
ASEH KMTB • Wandmodellen > 8 kW

Wandmodel van het lucht-lucht warmtepomp type. Dit splitmodel met inverter compressor is standaard voorzien van een aanwezigheidssensor en een infrarode afstandsbediening met weekprogramma.


  • Fujitsu - Airstage


  • Binnenunit split type, wandmodel


  • Koelen of verwarmen van grote kantoorruimtes, woonruimtes, winkels, appartementen, …
  • Geschikt voor ruimtes van 80 tot 100 m²


  • Lucht-lucht warmtepomp, inverter


  • R32


  • Aanwezigheidssensor
  • Economy mode
  • Powerful mode
  • 10°C mode (verwarming)
  • Low noise mode (buitenunit)
  • Auto-changeover (tussen koelen & verwarmen)
  • Dubbel swing (lamellen)
  • Auto restart
  • Sleep timer
  • Program timer (on/off)
  • Week timer
  • Wand bediening (mits optieprint)
  • Server toepassing (mits gebruik van bediening type UTY-RNRYZ5)

Toe te passen buitenunits

  • Type AOEH 30/36 KMTB


  • Design touch bediening. Type UTY-RVRY
  • Touchscreen bediening. Type UTY-RNRYZ*
  • Klassieke afstandsbediening. Type UTY-RLRY
  • Bedrade inbouwbediening. Type UTY-RCRYZ1
  • Vereenvoudige afstandsbediening. Type UTY-RSRY
  • Communicatiekit. Type UTY-TWRXZ2 (Altijd nodig bij een bedrade bediening!)
  • Externe aansluitkit. Type UTY-XWZXZ5
  • Optieprint external in- & output. Type UTY-XCSXZ2 + UTY-GXXB
  • Casing voor UTY-XCSXZ1. Type UTZ-GXXB
  • WiFi interface. Type UTY-TFSXH3
  • Modbus converter. Type UTY-VMSX
  • KNX converter. Type UTY-VKSX


Article selection assistant
Type of regulation
Article number Type Type of regulation Size E-shop Spare parts
I100720000080 GTDHRV 9008 PBC -W BASIC 4
I100720000100 GTDHRV 9010 PBC -W BASIC 4
I100720000160 GTDHRV 9016 PBC -W BASIC 5
I100720000230 GTDHRV 9023 PBC -W BASIC 6
I100720000350 GTDHRV 9035 PBC -W BASIC 7
I100720000480 GTDHRV 9048 PBC -W BASIC 8
I100720000700 GTDHRV 9070 PBC -D BASIC -
I100720010080 GTDHRV 9008 PBCL -W LOBBY EC 4
I100720010100 GTDHRV 9010 PBCL -W LOBBY EC 4
I100720010160 GTDHRV 9016 PBCL -W LOBBY EC 5
I100720010230 GTDHRV 9023 PBCL -W LOBBY EC 6
I100720010350 GTDHRV 9035 PBCL -W LOBBY EC 7
I100720010480 GTDHRV 9048 PBCL -W LOBBY EC 8
I100720010700 GTDHRV 9070 PBCL -D LOBBY EC -
I100720020080 GTDHRV 9008 PBCD -W DIVA EC 4
I100720020100 GTDHRV 9010 PBCD -W DIVA EC 4
I100720020160 GTDHRV 9016 PBCD -W DIVA EC 5
I100720020230 GTDHRV 9023 PBCD -W DIVA EC 6
I100720020350 GTDHRV 9035 PBCD -W DIVA EC 7
I100720020480 GTDHRV 9048 PBCD -W DIVA EC 8
I100720020700 GTDHRV 9070 PBCD -D DIVA EC -
I100720030100 GTDHRV 9010 PBCM -W MAC2 EC 4
I100720030160 GTDHRV 9016 PBCM -W MAC2 EC 5
I100720030230 GTDHRV 9023 PBCM -W MAC2 EC 6
I100720030350 GTDHRV 9035 PBCM -W MAC2 EC 7
I100720030480 GTDHRV 9048 PBCM -W MAC2 EC 8
I100720030700 GTDHRV 9070 PBCM -D MAC2 EC -
I100720040100 GTDHRV 9010 PBCQ -W QUATRO EC 4
I100720040160 GTDHRV 9016 PBCQ -W QUATRO EC 5
I100720040230 GTDHRV 9023 PBCQ -W QUATRO EC 6
I100720040350 GTDHRV 9035 PBCQ -W QUATRO EC 7
I100720040480 GTDHRV 9048 PBCQ -W QUATRO EC 8
I100720040700 GTDHRV 9070 PBCQ -D QUATRO EC -
I100730000080 GTDHRV 9008 PBE -W BASIC 4
I100730000100 GTDHRV 9010 PBE -W BASIC 4
I100730000160 GTDHRV 9016 PBE037 -W BASIC 5
I100730000161 GTDHRV 9016 PBE052 -W BASIC 5
I100730000230 GTDHRV 9023 PBE037 -W BASIC 6
I100730000231 GTDHRV 9023 PBE067 -W BASIC 6
I100730000350 GTDHRV 9035 PBE067 -W BASIC 7
I100730000351 GTDHRV 9035 PBE137 -W BASIC 7
I100730000480 GTDHRV 9048 PBE067 -W BASIC 8
I100730000481 GTDHRV 9048 PBE137 -W BASIC 8
I100730000700 GTDHRV 9070 PBE105 -D BASIC -
I100730000701 GTDHRV 9070 PBE157 -D BASIC -
I100730010080 GTDHRV 9008 PBEL -W LOBBY EC 4
I100730010100 GTDHRV 9010 PBEL -W LOBBY EC 4
I100730010160 GTDHRV 9016 PBE037L -W LOBBY EC 5
I100730010161 GTDHRV 9016 PBE052L -W LOBBY EC 5
I100730010230 GTDHRV 9023 PBE037L -W LOBBY EC 6
I100730010231 GTDHRV 9023 PBE067L -W LOBBY EC 6
I100730010350 GTDHRV 9035 PBE067L -W LOBBY EC 7
I100730010351 GTDHRV 9035 PBE137L -W LOBBY EC 7
I100730010480 GTDHRV 9048 PBE067L -W LOBBY EC 8
I100730010481 GTDHRV 9048 PBE137L -W LOBBY EC 8
I100730010700 GTDHRV 9070 PBE105L -D LOBBY EC -
I100730010701 GTDHRV 9070 PBE157L -D LOBBY EC -
I100730020080 GTDHRV 9008 PBED -W DIVA EC 4
I100730020100 GTDHRV 9010 PBED -W DIVA EC 4
I100730020160 GTDHRV 9016 PBE037D -W DIVA EC 5
I100730020161 GTDHRV 9016 PBE052D -W DIVA EC 5
I100730020230 GTDHRV 9023 PBE037D -W DIVA EC 6
I100730020231 GTDHRV 9023 PBE067D -W DIVA EC 6
I100730020350 GTDHRV 9035 PBE067D -W DIVA EC 7
I100730020351 GTDHRV 9035 PBE137D -W DIVA EC 7
I100730020480 GTDHRV 9048 PBE067D -W DIVA EC 8
I100730020481 GTDHRV 9048 PBE137D -W DIVA EC 8
I100730020700 GTDHRV 9070 PBE105D -D DIVA EC -
I100730020701 GTDHRV 9070 PBE157D -D DIVA EC -
I100730030100 GTDHRV 9010 PBEM -W MAC2 EC 4
I100730030160 GTDHRV 9016 PBE037M -W MAC2 EC 5
I100730030161 GTDHRV 9016 PBE052M -W MAC2 EC 5
I100730030230 GTDHRV 9023 PBE037M -W MAC2 EC 6
I100730030231 GTDHRV 9023 PBE067M -W MAC2 EC 6
I100730030350 GTDHRV 9035 PBE067M -W MAC2 EC 7
I100730030351 GTDHRV 9035 PBE137M -W MAC2 EC 7
I100730030480 GTDHRV 9048 PBE067M -W MAC2 EC 8
I100730030481 GTDHRV 9048 PBE137M -W MAC2 EC 8
I100730030700 GTDHRV 9070 PBE105M -D MAC2 EC -
I100730030701 GTDHRV 9070 PBE157M -D MAC2 EC -
I100730040100 GTDHRV 9010 PBEQ -W QUATRO EC 4
I100730040160 GTDHRV 9016 PBE037Q -W QUATRO EC 5
I100730040161 GTDHRV 9016 PBE052Q -W QUATRO EC 5
I100730040230 GTDHRV 9023 PBE037Q -W QUATRO EC 6
I100730040231 GTDHRV 9023 PBE067Q -W QUATRO EC 6
I100730040350 GTDHRV 9035 PBE067Q -W QUATRO EC 7
I100730040351 GTDHRV 9035 PBE137Q -W QUATRO EC 7
I100730040480 GTDHRV 9048 PBE067Q -W QUATRO EC 8
I100730040481 GTDHRV 9048 PBE137Q -W QUATRO EC 8
I100730040700 GTDHRV 9070 PBE105Q -D QUATRO EC -
I100730040701 GTDHRV 9070 PBE157Q -D QUATRO EC -
=> Stock product central warehouse, except sales
Other configurations on request.


Technische specificaties  ASEH 30 KMTBASEH 36 KMTB
Koelvermogen (min. - nom. - max.)**kW2,9 - 8,0 - 9,02,9 - 9,4 - 10,0
Verwarmingsvermogen (min. - nom. - max.)**kW2,2 - 8,8 - 11,02,7 - 10,1 - 11,2
(Max.) verwarmingsvermogen bij -10°C (bu) @ 20°C (bi)kW7,587,72

Opgenomen vermogen (nom.) (K/V)

Pdesign (K/V)kW8,0/6,59,4/7,1
SEER (koeling)kW/kW6,676,14
SCOP (verwarming)kW/kW4,544,52
Energieklasse (K/V) A++/A+A++/A+
Opgenomen stroom (nom.) (K/V)A10,2/9,713,9/12,0
Jaarlijks energieverbruik (K/V)kWh/j419/2001535/2198
Geluidsdruk (koeling) - (H/M/L/Q)dB(A)50/44/40/3350/44/40/33
Geluidsvermogen (koeling) - (H)dB(A)6565
Geluidsdruk (verwarming) - (H/M/LQ)dB(A)49/44/39/33


Geluidsvermogen (verwarming) - (H)dB(A)6565
Luchtdebiet (maximum)m³/h13301330
Afmetingen (H x B x D)mm



Koelleidingeninch3/8 - 5/8

3/8 - 5/8

Afstandsbediening IRIR
Maximum lengte/hoogte koelleidingm/m50/30


Minimum koelleidinglengtem55
Afvoer condensaat (bu/bi)mm16,7/13,816,7/13,8
Stroomtoevoer AOYGAOYG
Kabelsectie tss binnen- & buitengroepmm²4G 1,54G 1,5

* Specificaties en design kunnen wijzigen zonder bericht voor verdere verbeteringen

** Koeling/Verwarming capaciteiten zijn gerealiseerd bij de volgende condities

(Koeling) Binnen temp.: 27°C D.B./19°C N.B. - Buiten temp.: 35°C D.B./24°C N.B.

(Verwarming) Binnen temp.: 20°C D.B. - Buiten temp.: 7°C D.B./6°C N.B.

COP/EER volgens EN14511 - SCOP/SEER volgens EN 14825 - geluidsvermogen volgens EN12102



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